
Blog ini belum berisi hal-hal penting!!! jadi Harap Maklum. (Masih Belajar)

Senengnya pagi" datang ke sekolah.....
Ini cerita ku...
Kemarin, pagi" aku sibuk ngerjakan tgs agama yg semalem blm kelar.
Sedang enk"nya ngerjakn gk terasa udah jam 7.30..
aduh,,telat..telat...sepeda motar msh di pakek...waaaaaa
tin...tin...alhamdulillah udah datang...
greng...tancap gas langsung dianter sama mas Bimoli...(heeee)
Melas.nya aq smpai di sekolah pintu gerbang udah di tutup,...
Inilah Telat pertamaku...:D
Dictatat siapa sja yang telat sama p.eko....
n disuru nyapu sama op.Yono...
ini hukuman buat yang telat...toeng.!!!
tapi seneng bgt...di Smada terdengan alunan ayat" suci setiap pagi...
dan kicau burung yang seolah" ikut mengaji..
hah...walau telat tapi ini cukup menyenangkan....

This Is True Friendship.....
They are not perfect but they are part of my life...

Why my template can't be changed???
Please Help me......-_-

Aku gk jd KETOS..
Tp.........Jabatan jadi sekretaris osis sibuk juga....
hah...mn tugas sak ambrek, ulangan pusing, bwt proposal....

Tapi Selalu Hadapi Semua Cobaan Dengan Sabar..
dan SENYUM....
Cayooo......GO Gifta...Go Go Gifta....

Talk about ADIWIYATA...

The meaning of "ADI" is big, ideal, or perfect.
And "WIYATA" have meaning a place where someone get knowledge, norms and ethics.
ADIWIYATA have a meaning a good and ideal pleace for someone to get all about knowledge, norms and ethics as the basic for creating environmental awareness

Many schools have school predicate Adiwiyata, and one of them is SMAN 2 Probolinggo. (That's my school...I very proud of my school). SMAN 2 Probolinggo have many programs of Adiwiyata like "SAJIBAPO"(one soul many trees) "JUSAMINGSIH" (friday weekend clean) "PROKASIH"(the program of cleaning river) and the other. SMAN 2 Probolinggo already known to overseas like in Japan and singapore. SMAN 2 Probolinggo also have an unnual program, namely conservation of dry land in Seloliman.
As a cadre adiwiyata in SMAN 2 Probolinggo I proud and tired to, because SMAN 2 Probolinggo often visits by various school in Indonesia, and if you know that my school have been visited by ECT Japan.

I think enough for me to explain about adiwiyata of my school....
So, maybe there are any mistake or writing errors...
PLEASE forgive me and tell me what is wrong in my article....
-------------THANK YOU------------- 

Best Friend...
Where we throw all our stories...
They always in our heart,
Although they not beside us...
Best Friend...
Not how much we know that they have...
But how far we can understand their feelings.
A best friend will never leave us alone...
But sometimes we leave them and we forget all of them...
Do you know, 
that one best friend never move from their place though we leave them..
a best friend always behind us...
till' we back for them...

Aduhhh......terxta buat blog juga bkin pusing!!!!1
arrghhh....aku gk tau cra.na!!!

About this blog

Bertanya Pada "Profesor Oi"

Bertanya Pada "Profesor Oi"

Little Princess

Little Princess
Gieftha Nierwana S. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.



EDitan Ku

EDitan Ku

I'm Not Perfect

I'm Not Perfect


About Me

Foto Saya
Gie Nirwana
I just ordinary Girl... I'm so proud of myself... And I'm happy with my life....
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